Eager. And not so much.

Back to the blog, eh?

Ready to spread my wonderful images and thoughts on the Internet. Or am I?

I’ve been inactive for so long that even uploading a photo seems like a huge task. And writing something is simply too hard.

I shot this photo of these two huskies last month. They are getting ready to race Bergebyløpet (article in Norwegian with my photos). Well, the one who is barking is ready, the one who looks surprised is like me, I guess: Not sure what’s going on or what to feel about it.

My colleague says he wants to print this photo and hang it on a wall. That makes me happy, it gives me hope that not everything I capture and create is crap, even though it often feels that way. That exact feeling makes blogging again difficult too. What do I share with an audience when all I have is cr… -less than great?

Is this winter blues? I look out my window and white is all I see…

End of depressing rant.

Thank you for reading.

Have a lovely Saturday night.

Back to the life

Port Au Prince Cathedral, ruins, Haiti

The hangover earned the night before 1st of May finally went away (with some jet-lag) to bother someone else, and today was spent organizing…planning, unpacking. No exciting photo material of that, I’m afraid.

So instead…

I also went on a job interview and unfroze my membership at Elixia’s training studios (a Norwegian training centre chain with awesome group classes and pink wardrobes). I got myself another external hard drive, because I woke up one day in Haiti to discover the one I had totally empty all of the sudden. 999 GB free. Yippi… I had to hand it back to the store today (and I struggled to not throw it in someone’s head – my faith in technology is broken once again). Back to the new hard drive: I can finally start working on the last photo batch from Haiti, DR and Cuba 😀

It’s weird to be back. I own a crazy amount of clothes, which I can’t really remember buying anymore, and uncountable perfumes and lotion bottles! And shoes! Purses! The choices I have to make every morning!

shoes, sale

Then there’s the driver licence – I need to get one! And I must finish (begin) writing my report from Haiti. While my Mom is moving (taking Milli-therapy with her) to 15 minutes further away from me by train. All the stress!

A neighborhood in Norway

I think this post’s beginning to look a lot like teenage diary entry. … Time to say ‘good night’!