
Hello, visitor! It’s nice of you to be curious about me J

My name is Ksenia Novikova. I’m a journalist who lives in the very north of Norway. The winters here are long and dark, while the summers seem like one long day because the sun doesn’t set. I love it.

I’m currently working for the Norwegian Barents Secretariat, a governmental organization that supports all kinds of cooperation between the people who live in the north of Norway and Russia, helping in developing this region. My job is telling stories and documenting all the interesting events and projects that we are a part of, and it involves quite a lot traveling.

Moving up north four years ago is the greatest adventure of my life. I was born in Russia, but I grew up in Norway. Now I live right next to the border between these two, but the world seems borderless.

This is my personal blog, a place of random glimpses into my past; mostly through my camera lens, sometimes written down in words. I’ve had this blog for some years now. My most recurring blog topic is probably how it’s been forever since I posted anything here.





I’m a journalist in my late twenties.

I live in the very north of Norway.

I love it.

Skjermbilde 2018-04-14 kl. 23.41.51.png

Name: You should know by now!
Current location: Alta
Age: 26


Name: Hard Worker
Current location: Oslo
Age: 25

2014 – Drammen

Name: No changes (trying to fix it tho).
Current location: Drammen/Haiti
Age: 24

Name: Unemployed Journalist
Current Location: Limbo
Age: 23

2013 – Drammen

Name: Same
Current location: Oslo
Age: 23

2012 – Diemen

Name: Ksenia Novikova
Current location: Amsterdam
Age: 22

Flickr I Tumblr I Instagram

113 thoughts on “About”

  1. Thanks so much for stopping by and liking my submission for the Weekly Photo Challenge – Patterns (in nature); I am glad you enjoyed it. You have some beautiful work here as well, and I look forward to exploring it more. Looking forward to your images from Haiti – especially the Holga images! Take care and safe travels. 🙂

  2. Thanks for liking my photo and thus by guiding me to your wonderful blog! Keep it up.

  3. You have some really beautiful photography on your blog. I will be following for sure. Thanks for stopping by my blog today, it’s much appreciated!

  4. Good morning, and thank you so much for liking my post today on Tide Line Still Life. I really appreciate it. Your photos are both beautiful and compelling, you have an eye for composition, and I look forward to seeing what you come up with in the future! Best, Maggie

  5. I love your header! I love the photo of you, resonant with youth and hope. You remind me of my younger sister, when she was the same.

  6. Hey, Thanks so much for stopping and liking my very new blog! I’m happy to be here and enjoy your great pics, love them! I’m also happy to see you are Russian and post pics from our country. Me too and in my kaleidoscope you can find some pics from Valday and Vologda as well if you wonder. Hope to stay in touch, good luck! 🙂

      1. That’s good to hear! How has the warming of the weather been treating you??

        I’ve been working like a crazy person. I’ve gotten stuck on this idea that I want to be able to learn as much as I possibly can. So I’ve been working or watching tutorials as much as possible 🙂

        Here’s a link to some snippets that I put together one night last week.

  7. stumbled by your site again … the plethora of exxxxcellent photos, mostly borderline-overwhelming, is (yes, i’m almost at a loss of werdz) OVERWHELMING. WHY AREN’T YOU MORE FAMOUS?

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